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Plan for Jobs: Chancellor increases financial support for businesses and workers

Key points:

- grants for the self-employed doubled to 40% of previous earnings

- Job Support...
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Plan for Jobs: Chancellor increases financial support for businesses and workers

Key points:

- grants for the self-employed doubled to 40% of previous earnings

- Job Support Scheme (JSS): When originally announced, the JSS saw employers paying a third of their employees’ wages for hours not worked, and required employers to be working 33% of their normal hours. Today’s announcement reduces the employer contribution to those unworked hours to just 5%, and reduces the minimum hours requirements to 20%, so those working just one day a week will be eligible.

- additional funding to allow Local Authorities (LAs) to support businesses in high-alert level areas which are not legally closed, but which are severely impacted by the restrictions on socialising.
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''Job Support Scheme'' expanded beyond 1 November.
- grants at the level of 67% of wage (up to £2100 per month)
- for eligible businesses who will be required to close their...
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''Job Support Scheme'' expanded beyond 1 November.
- grants at the level of 67% of wage (up to £2100 per month)
- for eligible businesses who will be required to close their premises due to local restrictions
- support with wages for employees who can't work
- employee must not be working for a period of minimum of 7 days
- available for periods from 1 November - applications will be processed starting beginning of December
HMRC will publish more details about the scheme in due course.
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If your business had to close due to local restrictions you might be eligible for the support from Local Restrictions Support...See more
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Further support for self-employed from 1 November. It will be available to those who were already eligible for existing Self Employment Income Support...See more
Further support for self-employed from 1 November. It will be available to those who were already eligible for existing Self Employment Income Support Scheme.
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Key points from Rishi Sunak's statement:

1) Job Support Scheme introduced
- starting on 1 November 2020
- support with wages, employees must work 1/3 of their normal time, where...
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Key points from Rishi Sunak's statement:

1) Job Support Scheme introduced
- starting on 1 November 2020
- support with wages, employees must work 1/3 of their normal time, where Government will support 1/3 of remaining wage
- employer will have to pay 1/3 of wage for unworked hours meaning employee will receive 2/3 of their pay for hours that employee did not work
- support will run for six months
- as an example and employee who will work 1/3 of their regular time will receive 77% of their wage
- open to all small and medium businesses
- larger businesses will have to experience drop in demand (turnover) to use the scheme
- open to employees who were not previously furloughed
- businesses will not be able to issue redundancy notices to employees on Job Support Scheme
- employers will be able to claim Job Retention Bonus for employees on Job Support Scheme as long as they qualify for that

2) Self Employed Support Scheme announced
- extending the scheme for self-employment on "similar terms" to the job support scheme - more details will follow

3) Pay As You Grow
- aimed at businesses who received support through Government guaranteed loans
- loans can be extended from 6 to 10 years
- interest only payment for up to 6 months available for struggling businesses
- repayment holidays for up to 6 months for struggling businesses
- credit rating not affected for those who would suspend payments
- extending deadline for applying for loans until end of year
- new scheme will be available from January - details to follow

4) VAT payment defferal - businesses will be able to spread repayment over 11 smaller repayments with no interest to pay

5) Income Tax due by 31 January (i.e. self-employed) can be paid back over 12 payments from January

6) Cancelation of planned increase of VAT for hospitality and leisure. 5% VAT rate to stay until 31 March 2020
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Rzad oglosil ''Plan for Jobs''

Najwazniejsze informacje:

- doplaty dla samozatrudnionych podniesione z 20% do 40% sredniego dochodu

Zmiana w doplatach do nieprzepracowanych...
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Rzad oglosil ''Plan for Jobs''

Najwazniejsze informacje:

- doplaty dla samozatrudnionych podniesione z 20% do 40% sredniego dochodu

Zmiana w doplatach do nieprzepracowanych przez pracownikow godzin. Pierwotnie pracownik musial przepracowac przynajmniej 33% swoich regularnych godzin a nastepnie za nieprzepracowane godziny pracodawca oraz rzad mieli wyplacac po 1/3 wynagrodzenia. Program ulegl zmianie i kwalifikowac beda sie do niego pracownicy:

- ktorzy przepracuja przynajmniej 20% swoich regularnych godzin
- rzad doplaci 61.67% wynagrodzenia za nieprzepracowane godziny a pracodawca tylko 5%

Dodatkowe granty dla biznesow, ktore znajduja sie w strefach podwyzszonego ryzyka zwiazanego z COVID-19 i ktore nie musialy sie calkowicie zamknac ale znacznie ucierpialy, np. z powodu wymogow zachowania dystansu spolecznego (glownie hotele, restauracje, itp).

Wiecej informacji tutaj:
Program furlough wydluzony. Bedzie dostepny dla tych biznesow, ktore beda musialy sie zamknac z powodu lokalnych restrykcji.

- program doplat bedzie dostepny od 1 listopada
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Program furlough wydluzony. Bedzie dostepny dla tych biznesow, ktore beda musialy sie zamknac z powodu lokalnych restrykcji.

- program doplat bedzie dostepny od 1 listopada
- pierwsze wnioski bedzie mozna zlozyc na poczatku grudnia
- tylko dla biznesow, ktore beda musialy pozostac zamkniete ze wzgledu na lokalne restrykcje
- doplaty do 67% wyplaty (maksymalnie £2100 miesiecznie)
- doplaty beda do wyplat pracownikow, ktorzy nie beda pracowac przez okres minimum 7 dni

Wiecej szczegolow na temat programu poznamy wkrotce, gdy tylko HMRC opublikuje wiecej informacji.
Jesli Twoj biznes musial (badz bedzie musial) zostac zamkniety po 9 wrzesnia na 3 tygodnie badz dluzej ze wzgledu na lokalne restrykcje mozesz ubiegac sie o Local Restrictions...See more
Jesli Twoj biznes musial (badz bedzie musial) zostac zamkniety po 9 wrzesnia na 3 tygodnie badz dluzej ze wzgledu na lokalne restrykcje mozesz ubiegac sie o Local Restrictions Support Grant.
Wydluzenie programu doplat dla osob samozatrudnionych:

- dostepny dla osob, ktore kwalifikuja sie do obecnego programu (zasady kwalifikacji pozostaja takie same)
- dla osob,...
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Wydluzenie programu doplat dla osob samozatrudnionych:

- dostepny dla osob, ktore kwalifikuja sie do obecnego programu (zasady kwalifikacji pozostaja takie same)
- dla osob, ktore pracuja jako samozatrudnione i deklaruja chec pozostania samozatrudnionymi
- zadeklaruja, ze osiagaja mniejsze przychody ze wzgledu na koronawirusa w kwalifikujacym okresie (miedzy 1 listopada a data zlozenia wniosku)
- dwie transze, pierwsza w listopadzie (za okres listopad - styczen),druga dostepna od poczatku lutego (za okres luty - kwiecien)
- doplata bedzie traktowana jako dochod podlegajacy pod podatek dochodowy oraz National Insurance
- pierwsza doplata (za okres listopad do stycznia) wyniesie 20% srednich miesiecznych przychodow x trzy miesiace
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Inwestowanie w nieruchomosci w Czarnogorze01:05:12
Inwestowanie w nieruchomosci w Czarnogorze
Tomasz Wiadrowski i Malgorzata Kurzepa rozmawiaja o inwestowaniu w Czarnogorze. Nagranie webinaru z lipca 2020.
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Self Employed Income Support Scheme explained17:39
Self Employed Income Support Scheme explained
How is the amount of grant calculated? How to claim? What to do if claim amount seems incorrect?
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SEISS Polish language version - informacje o systemie doplat dla samozatrudnionych (do 80% dochodu)21:44
SEISS Polish language version - informacje o systemie doplat dla samozatrudnionych (do 80% dochodu)
Najwazniejsze informacje, by zrozumiec jak obliczana jest wysokosc pomocy dla osob samozatrudnionych w Wielkiej Brytanii (80% dochodu),w jaki sposob ubiegac sie o ta pomoc i jak sprawdzic czy aplikacja zostala policzona prawidlowo.
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Coronavirus Q&A session with CRONER about fulrough scheme - information for employers.40:21
Coronavirus Q&A session with CRONER about fulrough scheme - information for employers.
Webinar recording that has taken place at the beginning of April. This webinar is aimed to employers who will be using furlough scheme. It clarifies some issues when employee pay matters are not straighforward. Darren from CRONER also introduces us to Good Work Plan that is mandatory from 6 April 2020.

An update to the webinar (as of 25 April):

- Maternity pay laws were changed with effect from Saturday 25 April so that no employee’s statutory maternity pay would be affected by being on reduced pay while on furlough. SMP is calculated with reference to earnings during a specific 8 week period and if the employee is on furlough on reduced earnings during that period, this would affect their entitlement to SMP. The new law means that, even if pay is reduced during that period, their eligibility will be based on their normal pay.

Below are a few details on the Good Work Plan and what additional information is required in the employment contracts

- For staff with a commencement date of 6 April 2020 or later, in law the contract should include details on any probationary period, how long it will last and the conditions attached to it.

- For staff with a commencement date of 6 April 2020 or later, in law the contract must also state information regarding staff benefits, including those which are not pay-related.

- For staff with a commencement date of 6 April 2020 or later, in law the contract must state the days and times the worker is required to work and whether or not such hours or days may be variable and if so, how they vary or how the variation is determined.

- For staff with a commencement date of 6 April 2020 or later, in law the contract must state Any training entitlement provided by the employer; any parts of it which the employee is required to undertake and any of which the employer will not bear the cost of. This can be in the contract itself or the Handbook.

- For staff with a commencement date of 6 April 2020 or later, in law the contract must include information on paid leave entitlements such as maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental.
There’s also the factor that for staff with a commencement date of 6 April 2020 or later, being issued with an SMT is a day 1 right.
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Podsumowanie dostepnej pomocy dla firm oraz osob prywatnych w Wielkiej Brytanii - COVID-1922:26
Podsumowanie dostepnej pomocy dla firm oraz osob prywatnych w Wielkiej Brytanii - COVID-19
Podsumowanie dostepnej pomocy dla firm oraz osob prywatnych w Wielkiej Brytanii.

Informacje zawarte w tym filmie maja na celu ogolne przyblizenie kto o jaka pomoc moze sie starac. Poszczegolne rodzaje pomocy sa dokladniej omawiane miedzy innymi na webinarach naszej firmy. Zapraszamy tez do polubienia naszej strony na facebooku: SAFI Advisory Services Limited, gdzie dzielimy sie przydatnymi informacjami dotyczacymi pomocy dostepnej dla firm jak i dla osob prywatnych.
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Investing in real estate in Montenegro13:06
Investing in real estate in Montenegro
Why is Montenegro such a great place for investment? Tomasz Wiadrowski speaks to Aleksander Tomic from CMM Investment Group.

Are you interested to invest in Montenegro? Feel free to contact Tomasz Wiadrowski on

For more stunning footage of Montenegro visiit ''Mark The Adventure'' YouTube channel:

Big thank you to Mark for allowing us to show to our audience how beautiful Montenegro is.
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